Developing Leaders Changing Organisations Workshop – 3 November 2017

150 150 Practice Five

Leadership effectiveness is a complex tapestry of mind-sets and abilities that are interwoven and contextual to each other. Does your leadership framework include the qualities required of individual contributors as well?  Most leaders are grown from within, so it is essential that you lay the groundwork for leadership at recruitment. People often find themselves in leadership roles without preparation, mentorship or quality support. They are often left to find or to develop their own way in the maelstrom of culture, convention and misapplied initiatives.

The Opportunity

Dr Paul Gibney and Practice Five P/L present a one day workshop on the Practice Five™ framework.

This workshop has been designed to:

  • Understand the concepts of practice, supervision, leadership and change.
  • Look at how neuroscience is changing the way we lead in organisations.
  • Examine the 12 practice aspects of the Practice Five™ framework.
  • Develop a strategy for improving your leadership skills.

What makes for a great leader? Research shows that great leaders are both goal oriented and people oriented. However, in a sample of 60,000 managers, only 0.77% were perceived as having both goal and social focus (Kabacoff, 2014). This workshop will introduce a leadership framework that provides both goal and social focus to leadership and a methodology for improving in both.

The date and venue

Friday 3 November 2017
8:45am to 4:30pm

Christie Conference Centre
320 Adelaide St Brisbane

The Facilitators

Dr. Paul Gibney

Dr. Gibney is a psychotherapist and family therapist in private practice. His doctoral thesis focused on theoretical relationship between psychoanalysis, systemic therapy, time in therapy, and the matter of context. His theoretical and academic interests and practical contributions to the field have been in the areas of brief therapy, systemic practice, Jungian psychotherapy and psychoanalytic thought. Through his keynote addresses, lectures and presentations, Paul is considered one of the most dynamic, engaging and respected speakers. His 2003 text, ‘The pragmatics of Therapeutic Practice’ is a classic text and is used in several Masters of Conselling Courses in universities.

Ken Dagley

Ken is an experienced human resources executive and organisational change expert. He has formal qualifications in Human Resources Management and Organisational Behaviour and Change. He has worked successfully in Federal, State and private organisations as well as in academia for the Australian Graduate School of Management and RMIT  University. He has co-authored a number of papers in management and veterinary fields but his real areas of passion are leadership development and organisational change.

The Cost

You or your organisation will be charged $330 per person upon registration.

The non-refundable fee covers the cost of the workshop and includes the provision of morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and workshop notes. Substitute nominations can be accepted. Participants need to be able to attend all sessions on the day.


Registrations for the workshop are via Eventbrite:

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